Election Day is right around the corner

Before you cast your ballot

The rules differ between Omaha and Lincoln, so make sure you’re clear on the process and dates.

What’s at stake this time around?

In Omaha, all seven City Council seats and the mayor are on the ballot.

In Lincoln, three at-large seats on the City Council are up for grabs, as is one seat on the Lincoln Airport Authority and four district-specific seats on the Lincoln Public Schools Board of Education. Lincoln voters also will decide several important ballot issues dealing with roads and housing. 

Rules to know

How do I receive my ballot in the mail?

You must request a mail-in ballot from your county election office by the application deadline (see important dates for your city). For Lincoln voters, that form can be found here. For Omaha voters, that form can be found here. Forms can be returned via mail or in person at your county election office.

Do I get a different ballot based on my registered political party affiliation?

No, both the Lincoln and Omaha municipal races are officially nonpartisan. Political party information is not printed on the ballot. For most races, the two candidates receiving the most votes during the primary election will advance to the general election.

What forms of ID can I use to vote?

Your ID must have your photo and your name, such as a driver’s license/state ID or a U.S. passport. Other acceptable IDs include those issued by: Nebraska college; local governments in Nebraska; Nebraska public schools; military/Veterans Administration; recognized Native American Tribes; patient records w/ photos from nursing homes/assisted living/hospitals. IDs can be expired.

I forgot my ID. What do I do?

You can return to the polls with your ID if you forgot it. Or you can cast a provisional ballot, which will only count if an acceptable voter ID is presented to the county election office by the 5 p.m. the Tuesday after Election Day. The office can’t receive ID numbers provided over the phone.

If I don’t register to vote in the primary, can I still register to vote in the general election?

Yes, as long as you do so before the general election deadline in your respective city (see important dates for registration deadlines).